Reimagine How You Engage with Stakeholders

Reimagine How You Engage with Stakeholders

Chris Binding

Our research indicates that nearly two thirds (64%*) of Mobility professionals take an informal approach to Stakeholder Engagement. We’re helping people change that status quo with our new, easy-to-use Graebel Mobility PathBuilder Stakeholder Engagement tool. Using a more formal approach with strategically identified stakeholders, supported by a documented strategy and action plan can lead to increased program success.

It’s important to be clear about what exactly you want your team of stakeholders to do. What, specifically, will advance both Mobility’s and their own interests? How will you communicate with them and keep them informed? And, as their leader, how will you channel their enthusiasm and feed their interest?

Create win-win opportunities for Mobility and your stakeholders.

This tool helps you focus on creating an action plan to communicate your objectives and engage important partners with win-win scenarios including:

  • Communicating your overall program strategy
  • Telling Mobility’s story with data owned by other departments
  • Collaborating on a new Mobility initiative (i.e. a new policy rollout or RFP)
  • Securing collective action on an upcoming project (i.e. group move)

Documenting stakeholder benefits and their critical connection to corporate interests is important – but merely groundwork. Summarizing the benefits that your stakeholders can attribute to the specific objective only gets you so far. Inspiration comes alive when your stakeholders come together symbiotically. We can help lead the way – get started today!

Learn more about Stakeholder Engagement

*2018 Global Mobility Summit Survey (n=75)

Chris Binding