Pre-decision services

Creating clear and positive expectations

Graebel pre decision services provides clear expectations and quality care prior to an assignment

You’ll have the data you need to present the assignment opportunity to your employee. They’ll have the policy information they need to make their decision.

Explore our pre-decision services

Providing clear expectations and quality care prior to an assignment

An employee’s enthusiasm about being offered a relocation assignment can quickly shift to a feeling of being overwhelmed by all the known and unknown details. However, your employee will quickly connect with an experienced Graebel Consultant who takes the time to learn about their specific needs and preferences and makes everything crystal clear – from your policies, procedures and benefits package to the high level of support they’ll receive from Graebel. Our consultants support you and your employee with important preliminary services to help build trust and demonstrate their expertise. Our goal is to help facilitate complete solutions that meet your employee’s needs.

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Policy counseling and coordination

When your employee is preparing for a relocation, they’ll naturally have a lot of questions. Our consultants will know all about your company’s policies and be available to offer guidance and answers to address the specific needs and requests of the employee and their family.

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Relocation cost estimates

You need accurate, detailed relocation cost estimates quickly. We’ll deliver them … and we’ll stand by them, whether you’re moving a VIP from Frankfurt to Singapore or an intern from Sacramento to Austin.

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Graebel® Mobility Experience (MX) Coach

Design and activate a Core-Flex journey that delivers exceptional experiences for your people, your program and your business. Utilizing Graebel’s MX Coach, mobility professionals and mobile employees can understand the context around benefit selection, curate the right mix of benefits and deliver the desired outcomes.

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Assignment/relocation letter preparation

You need your relocating employee to understand your relocation support policies related to issues like allowable expenses, shipping of household goods and matters related to origin and destination housing. We’ll help you clearly present all of this customized, detailed information without being overwhelming.

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Tax/compensation planning

We’re able to provide you and your mobile employee with a unique, global mobility perspective to compensation and tax planning. Your finance, benefits and payroll teams will have the benefit of our experience in this area as they make sure that your relocating employees continue to have appropriate compensation as well as access to the right benefits.

Starting on the right foot

All the answers

When one of your employees is preparing for a relocation, they’re confronted with many decisions … and they have a lot of questions. The employee’s comfort level will soar when our consultant makes a personal connection, demonstrates expertise and trust and presents the full picture of their relocation experience.

Numbers you can count on

You’ll have confidence in our data because our network of on-the-ground service providers in 165 countries is second to none, enabling us to maintain negotiated, detailed and current price structures with each one.

A clear description of the details and expectations

Don’t miss the opportunity to put in writing the best possible scenario regarding an employee’s relocation transition. There’s a lot to cover – information about the job as well as the support you offer to meet the employee’s needs. It’s best for both parties to have all of this in writing, digitally, to prevent misunderstandings.

Planning ahead for compliance, accuracy and fairness

You and your relocating employee want predictability in important matters like proper compensation and taxation. Planning ahead for this means these changes will happen like clockwork – at just the right time.