Repatriation services

Planning and delivering a smart re-entry

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Your employee’s transition back home will be thoroughly planned and well supported to ensure a safe and smooth return to life as they once knew it.

Explore our repatriation services

Finishing on a high note completes the experience

Our repatriation support is an extension and culmination of the continuing care we provide throughout the assignment. Many areas of assistance are the same. To ensure a smooth and successful transition back home, here are some services offered, depending on what’s available to your employee in their mobility program.

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Housing close-outs

Whether your employee rented or purchased a home during their assignment, we take care of the lease termination or home marketing and sale. The transactions are expertly handled by our real estate partners in accordance with local requirements and standards.

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Packing and shipping of household goods

The Graebel move consultant identifies and utilizes the moving, packing and specialty packing companies ideally suited to bring the employee’s household goods home on the return trip. They also arrange for a pre-move consultation with the moving company so the employee or their partner can share special instructions and specific concerns.

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Repatriation counseling

Our consultants work with your mobile employee and their family to explore the logistical, financial and emotional elements of a repatriation. It will be a challenging adjustment unless the family approaches the repatriation with that mindset and prepares for things like schools, spouse or partner careers and the employee’s own re-integration into your evolving workplace.

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Repatriation cost allocation

We take care of an important but often overlooked item on the repatriation To-Do List. We ensure that with the end of the assignment, certain employee costs are shifted from the host entity and allocated to the proper home entity.

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Home finding/rentals

Local real estate experts discuss home base housing options and preferences with the employee and their family and then present the best solutions. They follow through with the chosen arrangements, so your employee returns home to an ideal housing solution.

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Health and retirement plan re-enrollment

Important employee benefits were modified during the assignment period to reflect the employee’s local situation and requirements. We help put all those previous arrangements back in place or adjust based on company policy parameters.

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Tax reporting

With your employee’s change in residency comes a change in taxing authorities. Thanks to our compensation experts, your tax partner will receive the reporting they need so your employee will once again be in compliance with these national and local requirements so they don’t miss a beat.

Careful and caring service all through the return

Handling with care

Your mobile employees expect their household goods to arrive home in the same condition they were shipped. On moving day, the packing and moving team members will use the right materials and techniques to keep cherished household goods safe in transit – whether the move is cross-country, cross-border or across the world.

Preparing for the new (old) normal

It’s easy to assume that a mobile employee’s repatriation will be a simple adjustment. After all, aren’t they returning to a familiar location and workplace? But in fact, while they and their family may be coming back to the same city, they’ll be starting a new era in their life … again.