Settling-in services

The ideal approach for orienting employees to their new location

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Your mobile employee will be supported long after the movers leave. We help them adapt to their new life, navigate local systems, learn cultural nuances, and start to feel more at home.

Explore our settling-in services

Feeling at home in their new location

The settling-in process begins well before the employee arrives. Prior to the move, we compile and send customized orientation information tailored to their family situation, interests and priorities. And once they arrive, we connect them to the services and service providers they need in order to succeed and thrive in their new environment. Our settling-in support includes these and many other services.

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Language training

We have a global network of certified trainers that offer relevant language instruction on-site or virtually. We also have arrangements with 450 language centers in more than 50 countries.

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Cross-cultural training

We connect everyone in the family with training resources about local customs and norms so they can confidently interact with the people and institutions in their new lives.

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Spouse/partner assistance

We arrange for local, specialized career counseling, job search coaching, networking referrals, labor market research and even résumé development to help advance the career of an accompanying spouse or partner at the new location.

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Automobile lease/purchase

We’ll guide your employee through the often complex and unfamiliar process of purchasing or leasing a vehicle at their new location. The goal is to make sure the price is fair and the deal is carried out correctly.

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Driver’s license assistance

We arrange for local experts to walk your employee through the steps of obtaining an International Driver’s Permit (to drive within jurisdictions that accept this) or other locally compliant permits.

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Banking and insurance services

Our consultants help your newly relocated employee and their family members navigate important localized financial matters like opening and maintaining bank accounts and wiring funds. They’ll also advise them on how to obtain appropriate personal insurance coverage from reputable providers.

The resources to help them thrive

Learning the language of life and business

There are times when learning a language through a standardized course isn’t sufficient. Sure, your employee will know how to order a coffee, but can they introduce themselves in business settings or make a sales pitch? With the right training focus, your mobile employees will quickly be speaking the language of business.

Ensuring success with proper cultural preparation

Cross-cultural training is especially important in business settings since it helps your employee acclimate more quickly. Our consultant’s initial preparation with your employee and their family, and their ongoing support, ensure a successful assignment and a more pleasant experience for all.

Maintaining a partner’s career during the assignment

All too often a family relocation entails a job or career change for the employee’s spouse or partner. Finding suitable options for personal and professional growth is important. If their spouse or partner is fulfilled, your employee is more likely to remain focused on their job and less likely to terminate an assignment prematurely.